Passamelo! Ecco la risposta al motivo per cui il governo sta cercando di bandirti illegalmente dagli istituti di protezione dell’infanzia.
Kela avverte i finlandesi all’estero che potrebbero presto perdere i pagamenti delle pensioni nazionali
Un convoglio russo in fiamme caduto in un’imboscata nella regione di Kursk di Exotic-Strawberry667
DataGeek101 on 13/10/2024 14:05 Burning orcs may smell really bad but the images of their equipment burning always makes me smile.
Exotic-Strawberry667 on 13/10/2024 14:12 Source:
dumpcake999 on 13/10/2024 14:29 I remember the first time I saw a Russian convoy I was actually scared. now it is a total joke
Burning orcs may smell really bad but the images of their equipment burning always makes me smile.
I remember the first time I saw a Russian convoy I was actually scared. now it is a total joke
Let those dogs burn
Burn baby burn 🔥 long pig is back on the menu, blyats!
Is this a new recently hit or from early Ukraine incursion into Kursk?