Il capo di Microsoft UK sarà a capo del consiglio di strategia industriale del governo

di Gone_4_Tea


  1. Unhappy_Smoke1926 on

    “I don’t know what we’re going to do to solve any of these problems but I do know it will involve buying as many Microsoft products as we possibly can.”

  2. Cyanopicacooki on

    I reckon their website is going to be constantly updating blue screen.

  3. “It looks like you’re trying to head a government’s industrial strategy council, can I help?”

    “Not Now Clippy!”

  4. Mammoth-Ad-562 on

    Odd choice to have the chief executive of a software company to head a strategy council in industry.

  5. tomlarrr on

    Well Microsoft sucks so she should be a perfect fit for UK government

  6. Optimaldeath on

    Well least the government is being honest that America is responsible for our industrial strategy now.

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