Rifugiata ucraina di dieci anni premiata con il Bravery Award in Australia per il suo atto coraggioso di salvare un’amica dall’annegamento


di Exotic-Strawberry667


  1. Strontiumdogs1 on

    How wonderful that something so sad, like loosing your home. Can end so well, by saving someone’s life in the country you are evacuated too.
    Outstanding and heartwarming.

  2. Sweaty_Mushroom5830 on

    This is why Ukraine will win, because wherever they go they spread their humanity

  3. Abject-Interaction35 on

    Wonderful story and a great rescue! Well done!

    It is very important to learn how to swim well in Australia, and unfortunately, drownings here are quite common, especially amongst people who come to visit for holidays. The ocean is very powerful and can carry you a long way very quickly in the rip zones, where the water backflows out to sea. People tend to panic and exhaust themselves trying to swim and fight against the power of the ocean current, instead of letting the current carry them out of the rip zone, or swimming across it to calmer water.

    Again, it was a great rescue and very well done to keep calm, calm down the person in trouble, and use the correct technique to perform the rescue.

    Well done, kid, you’re a legend!

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