Un uomo britannico muore cadendo da un ponte spagnolo “mentre creava contenuti online”


di Canal_Volphied


  1. TheSleepingPoet on

    TLDR summary

    A 26-year-old British man died after falling from the 192-metre-high Castilla-La Mancha Bridge in Talavera de la Reina, Spain, while attempting to create social media content. A 24-year-old British national accompanied him. Local authorities emphasized that climbing the bridge is strictly prohibited. The UK Foreign Office is supporting the man’s family.

  2. Warm_Butterscotch_97 on

    Platforms should be more active in banning influencers who risk their lives to create content. It is the only way to prevent these deaths.

  3. dcolomer10 on

    British tourists and jumping off things in Spain: Name a more iconic duo

  4. RichardXV on

    “creating” “content” two words that have totally lost their meaning.

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