I residenti di Meath hanno fatto causa a Glenveagh


di _fuzzybuddy


  1. _fuzzybuddy on

    This just popped up on google for me, did a search and couldn’t find it posted before

    Is this the first time a developer is suing people for malicious objections to planning permission? It seems the two objected all over the country to Glenveigh developments to try and get more money for land they owned that Glenveigh was interested in

    ‘Glenveigh claims the defendants’ actions were predominantly aimed at “leveraging an improved bargain” for Mr Lynch in his bid to secure better terms in selling 16 acres of his land to Glenveagh. A €7.8 million price tag had previously been agreed in principle, the firm says.’

    I know laws are meant to be in planning or on the way to make it harder to do but this also sets an interesting precedent

  2. eiretaco on

    Great to see. NIMBY objectors and people adding coats to construction for “go away” money will finally face consequences if this sets a precedent.

  3. Inspired_Carpets on

    Are we rooting for the property developer here? Strange days indeed.

  4. humdinger8733 on

    Love this. Destroy them and make all the NIMBYs think twice going forward.

  5. Equivalent_Two_2163 on

    To be fair I am aware of a proposed development in Meath a few years back that would have seen a sewerage and treatment plant for a new estate abutting older neighbourhoods, that’s unacceptable and it was objected to & refused. These developers think they can steam this stuff through. Believe it or not genuine objectors do exist & fair play to them.

  6. Bro-Jolly on

    > The pair, who strongly deny all of the claims against them, say that, with their previous lawyers discharged and no new team available, they face a “David and Goliath” showdown next month, as Glenveagh Homes can deploy “unlimited resources for expensive lawyers”.

    My scripture is a bit rusty but was David involved in a multi million shekel property deal with Goliath?

    > It claims the defendants’ actions were predominantly aimed at “leveraging an improved bargain” for Mr Lynch in his bid to secure better terms in selling 16 acres of his land to Glenveagh. A €7.8 million price tag had previously been agreed in principle, the firm says.

  7. bingybong22 on

    As long as land is changing hands for these kinds of sums the property situation in this country is screwed.  The fact that you can make a killing by buying and selling land is enabling parasites and gougers of every stripe and inflating property prices.

    The guy in this story should be taxed at about 90% of the value of the land.  If he doesn’t want to sell it – and it’s suitable for development – then he should taxed 5% of the lands value per year. 

    This is easy to address,  the state needs to intervene and make land hoarding or speculating impossible.  

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