Lussemburgo, Albania e Unione Europea all’apertura dei negoziati per il primo capitolo del girone

di Lakuriqidites


  1. Lakuriqidites on

    Today, Albania marks another historic moment in the European Integration Process, the opening of negotiations with the European Union for the first group chapter.

    Prime Minister Edi Rama is in Luxembourg, together with the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Igli Hasani, the Minister of State and Chief Negotiator Majlinda Dhuka, the Minister of State for Public Administration and Anticorruption Adea Pirdeni, as well as a delegation made up of the negotiators responsible for the chapters components of the first chapter group.

    The development of the second Albania – EU intergovernmental conference will serve to open negotiations with the European Union for the first Group Chapter. After the presentation of the revised methodology for the accession negotiations in 2020, the negotiating chapters are divided into six thematic groups: Basic; Internal market; Competitiveness and inclusive growth; Green agenda and sustainable connectivity; Resources, agriculture and cohesion; and foreign relations.

    Membership negotiations mark the key moment in the integration processes of a country to the EU. Negotiations take place between the ministers and ambassadors of the governments of the member countries and the candidate country through the Intergovernmental Conference. They include the undertaking by the candidate country of the full approximation of the EU legislation (acquis), its implementation, as well as the implementation of other legal, political, economic, administrative and other reforms to meet the criteria for membership.

    For the purposes of the negotiation process, the EU acquis is divided into 35 negotiating chapters (policy areas). The candidate country does not negotiate on the EU acquis, but on its transposition and implementation.

    On March 26, 2020, the European Council approved the decision of the EU General Affairs Council to open negotiations with Albania./ **CNA**

  2. Effective_Craft4415 on

    Now they only need to wait for more 10 years at leeast

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