È per questo che idioti come questi rovinano il nostro Paese?


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  1. Ordinary_investor on

    Ei ole lugu, kiireks lahenduseks sellele on veel üks lisamaks, nimetame selle näiteks “Biodiversiteedi EluJõud”.

    1.3 miljonit elanikku, see on 253 euri elaniku kohta, kuid kuna makstakse 12 jaos/kuud, siis kuus on 21 eurot. See on ÜLIVÄIKE tasu mida maksta, et biodiversiteedi elujõud püsika ja Eesti loodus püsiks puhatana. Jõukohane isegi pensionärile!

    Kes ei ole nõus maksma, see on koletis ja looduse vihkaja!

  2. mediandude on


    > A paper published in July found that while the total amount of carbon absorbed by forests between 1990 and 2019 was steady, it varied substantially by region. The boreal forests – home to about a third of all carbon found on land, which stretch across Russia, Scandinavia, Canada and Alaska – have seen a sharp fall in the amount of carbon they absorb, down more than a third due to climate crisis-related beetle outbreaks, fire and clearing for timber.

    > Combined with the declining resilience of the Amazon and drought conditions in parts of the tropics, the hot conditions in the northern forests helped drive the collapse of the land sink in 2023 – causing a spike in the rate of atmospheric carbon.

    > “In 2023 the accumulation of CO2 in the atmosphere is very high and this translates into a very, very low absorption by the terrestrial biosphere,” says Philippe Ciais, a researcher at the French Laboratory of Climate and Environmental Sciences, who was an author of the most recent paper.

    > “In the northern hemisphere, where you have more than half of CO2 uptake, **we have seen a decline trend in absorption for eight years**,” he says. **“There is no good reason to believe it will bounce back.”**

    > “Another process which is absent from the climate models is the basic fact that trees die from drought. This is observed and none of the models have drought-induced mortality in their representation of the land sink,” he says. “The fact that the models are lacking these factors probably makes them too optimistic.”

    > **Finland**, which has the most ambitious carbon neutrality target in the developed world, **has seen its once huge land sink vanish in recent years – meaning that despite reducing its emissions across all industries by 43%, the country’s total emissions have stayed unchanged.**

    Eestis on inimtekkelise kliimamuutuse metsi hävitava mõju vastu rakendatud metsade kiirendatud mahavõtmist.

    “Save the whales – if you kill them all then nothing can be lost any further.”

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