Elezione del Parlamento europeo se si utilizzasse un collegio elettorale di tipo americano


di TheSkyLax


  1. TungstenPaladin on

    A better comparison would be with the UK-styled parliamentary system, since the EU president is not directly elected.

  2. Zhukov-74 on

    Just imagine European swing states / countries.

    “Ursula von der Leyen has just arrived in Poland for the 5th time in 3 weeks“

    ”Nicola Procaccini decided to visit Sweden today with polls showing a close race”

    “Agnes Strack-Zimmermann made a quick visit to the Port of Rotterdam before departing to Denmark“

    ”Jordan Bardella is currently in the battleground state of Italy trying to shore up support with key voting blocs”

    ”Nicolas Schmit is continuing his tour of Bulgaria and Romania and will visit Greece later this week”

  3. tovenaer on

    Call me weird but I think if we could directly vote for our European leaders those results would be a lot different.

  4. shibaninja on

    Is this /r/MapPorn infographic garbage or /r/im13andthisisdeep?

    For context, the votes are allocated based on a population census held every 10 years. The total number of votes are capped at 538.

  5. Jatzy_AME on

    The thing is, if we had something like the EC, parties would quickly merge into two big blocks or fade into oblivion. So you can’t just copy election results from one system onto a very different one.

  6. muse_enjoyer025 on

    This is the least intelligent poopoo I’ve ever seen.

  7. tutamean on

    Someone doesn’t know what he is talking about. Electoral college is giving smaller states more representation. We have that in the current EU elections already. What this map shows is if we have first past the post elections instead of proportional one.

  8. why did Bardella delete his Call of Duty Youtube channel, i wanna watch

  9. sanschefaudage on

    The EC votes should be the number of European MP of the country + 2 (for the equal membership of each country in the European Council and the Council of the EU)

    Portugal and Estonia (countries selected more or less at random by me) should allocate a part of their EC vote by the district result.

    And Brussels city should vote separately and get 3 EC votes.

  10. NoWingedHussarsToday on

    This is BS. You can’t compare presidential elections in presidential system with parliamentary elections in parliamentary system EU voters don’t elect President of European Commission, we elect parliament in which said president needs to hold a majority.

    This is comparing apples and oranges and say “both grow on trees”

  11. Murky_Air4369 on

    Netherlands would have more votes. They are the biggest net contributor in the eu and strongest economy per capita

  12. ForeignExpression on

    The sad thing is that the electoral college is a weird perversion of democracy, but still many times fairer than the current EU system for electing the Commission president.

  13. hankrhoads on

    As an American, I would like to point out that you have far too many options for this to be American-style. In order to be more accurate, you need just two options and both should be disappointing to 99% of voters.

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