A sei disertori russi sono stati concessi visti europei temporanei


di UNITED24Media


  1. machtiiin on

    Good for them personally.

    Good for every soldier Putin can’t send to the front.

    But basically I don’t want a large number of Russians here as refugees. There are already enough sleeper agents, too many German-Russians, for example, who are predominantly pro-Putin and the Russian population has not cared for too long about what was decided in the Kremlin. It was only when they themselves were at stake that they realised.

  2. Common_Brick_8222 on

    Desertion from the Russian army is the smartest decision of a Russian soldier. At the very least, he will save his life and not become an occupier. However, alas, not all Russian soldiers have understood this yet and continue to die because of Putin

  3. Eminence_grizzly on

    I hope they will be valuable witnesses for the ICС, otherwise, that isn’t worth it.

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