Gardaí viene arrestato per la prima volta in assoluto per false affermazioni fatte da membri di estrema destra sui social media

di nitro1234561


  1. originalface1 on

    Hopefully now with precedent more will follow, I imagine there’s a lot of tweets being deleted at the moment too.

    There’s no low these scum won’t stoop to, even on here yesterday there was a lad yesterday trying to imply Ana Kriegels murderers were immigrants, pure lies to further their agenda.

  2. Important_Farmer924 on

    Good. Every time one of these wasters knowingly spread misinformation online they should be held accountable.

  3. boardsmember2017 on

    Brilliant, and with the passing of hate speech legislation now being a formality, we have a step towards creating laws that have actual teeth against this behaviour.

    We must build upon the hate speech legislation to ensure this type of discourse is done away with

  4. Icy-Lab-2016 on

    Good, hopefully more to follow. The accusations are clear incitements to violence against individuals and groups of people. Also, under the Irish constitution we have a right to a good name. Good to see a constitutional right being protected.

  5. Separate-Steak-9786 on

    I know some people will say “took them long enough” but i would imagine this is am arrest without much precedence. Its important to lock down the first few in order to make sure everything goes smoothly.

  6. Masterchief_Koala98 on

    How long now before they disappear back into the woodwork, hopefully not too long say we.

  7. redelastic on

    Great. Shame the government didn’t start taking action against these scumbags years ago.

  8. Thin-Annual4373 on

    Hopefully the judge will give a decent sentence, not a suspended one, as an example to other like-minded morons.

  9. Go__F__Yourself on

    How about arresting politicians when they use fake claims?

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