>“No, we will not join in. Georgia has long rejected that format,” the ministry spokesperson said.
BigBoyBobbeh on
I don’t get it. I thought the current Georgian government had their noses firmly lodged up Russia’s ass, why wouldn’t they participate?
fizziks on
To people thinking why Armenia is going to this meeting now, here’s the problem. Armenia presented a “crossroads of peace” idea involving all of these 6 countries. Armenia can’t back out of a meeting with the 6 countries for which it proposes its idea otherwise it is not serious.
>“No, we will not join in. Georgia has long rejected that format,” the ministry spokesperson said.
I don’t get it. I thought the current Georgian government had their noses firmly lodged up Russia’s ass, why wouldn’t they participate?
To people thinking why Armenia is going to this meeting now, here’s the problem. Armenia presented a “crossroads of peace” idea involving all of these 6 countries. Armenia can’t back out of a meeting with the 6 countries for which it proposes its idea otherwise it is not serious.