Una nave cinese sospettata di sabotaggio ha effettuato una misteriosa manovra sui cavi sottomarini a Læsø
La polizia riscontra numerose violazioni durante i grandi controlli dei corrieri dei pacchi: “Non possiamo tollerarlo”
In Armenia la travagliata costruzione del Cristo più alto del mondo https://international.la-croix.com/religion/in-armenia-the-troubled-construction-of-the-worlds-tallest-christ di JDSThrive
Ar3g on 16/10/2024 14:04 Headline: Armenia’s rich man thinks large statue of Jesus his only shot at heaven
Nemrakishere on 16/10/2024 14:56 Puting aside the controvercy for a sec, Is it really the tallest? It looks smaller than the one in Rio.
Headline: Armenia’s rich man thinks large statue of Jesus his only shot at heaven
Can we encase Gago in his fucking statue?
I hope Gago chokes on the dust from this fucking construction.
Puting aside the controvercy for a sec, Is it really the tallest? It looks smaller than the one in Rio.