Sono appena tornato a casa dal lavoro e avevo il foglio superiore nella mia Briefkasten. So chi era perché ho ricevuto lamentele solo da una persona: il mio vicino del piano di sopra.
Quello che ho detto è vero. La musica non era assolutamente forte, ho solo avuto l’audacia di aprire la finestra per far entrare un po’ d’aria fresca mentre ascoltavo la musica a un volume normale. Tra le 12 e le 14:30, devo dire.
Ora la mia domanda per te è: lo registrerò sul mio Briefkasten perché lei (e tutti) lo vedano, cosa pensi che sia la cosa peggiore che possa succedere?
(non ho alcun problema con l’arrivo della polizia, sarei davvero felice di invitarli a entrare e chiarire la situazione)
di VeraVonBlau_
I don’t really get what you expect to happen if you hang that up. Seems not very constructive if you are looking for an escalation just directly talk with the neighbour as you said yourself that you know who put up the note.
Somehow you are coming up with the legal ramifications of a noise misdemeanor while the neighbour just seems to be disturbed by the music without actually pursuing a report.
Well at least all people involved – you and the neighbour – seem very childish and non constructive. If your goal is to further damage the releationship with your neightbour/s go ahead.
Tell him you cannot comply because his sheet isn’t laminated. This will really get him going.
Good job to fuck up your neighborhood
Im not sure what you expect from this letter. Telling him to just call the police next time seems a little too much. Plus honestly, the police have better things to deal with than you not talking to your neighbor.
1 pm to 3pm is also usually ‚quiet time‘ where you aren’t supposed to make much noise.
The grown up thing to do would be talking to the neighbor you suspect, you might better your relationship without this passive aggressive move. Personally, I’d just ignore it, move on and stop playing music during quiet periods with an open window.
Finde persönlich das das absolut der richtige Ansatz ist, alles sauber erklärt und mit der Aufforderung nächstes Mal die Bullen zu rufen wird er hoffentlich zufrieden sein (wenn er schon nicht persönlich klingeln kann) wunder dich aber nicht wenn das nächste Mal wirklich die Polizei vor der Tür steht, hoffe für dich das bleibt dann auch dabei bzw. erledigt sich von selbst.
Edit: Mit Herz 😬
Personally, good Job i like.
Don’t make it public if she wrote only to you by putting it in your Briefkasten.
Btw. some communities/Hausordnungen also define a Mittagsruhe (where I live it’s 13-15).
The neighbor below my apartment usually plays his music on the weekends but then very late. The volume itself is not that bad, but his subwoofer is audible through the entire house. One night he was loud again, talking, playing videogames and i got somewhat annoyed. I walked downstairs to ring his bell and just politely tell him to lower the volume.
The guy didnt open the door after repeated ringing and knocking on his door. So i just called the police.
You see, of course it’d be polite to remind people who may misjudge the volume of their stereo. Honest mistake, can happen to anyone. If your music was loud during resting hours and people felt that its bothering them and they may not be the talkative ones and instead hang up that note, maybe just turn down your volume.
I don’t know what exactly happened in your case, because we only know your side of the story. Maybe they don’t want to escalate it to the police, because after all, its an absolutely minor thing.
Here’s what you can do: write an apology and that you weren’t aware of the fact that you were too loud. Put it in her mailbox and maybe invite her to talk about the situation. Maybe she invites you into her apartment while you have your music running, to let you know how loud it really is. As i said, subwoofers can be deceptively loud throughout the apartment complex.
…. or maybe just ignore her, what do i know. I’m just a stranger on the internet 😀
But dont write that note. All you do is antagonize people over nothing.
Knock up his door and straight talk him directly.
Two options:
1. Play music with a closed window
2. Buy a headphone
The part with the police is too much IMO.