Sure, cat hair allergies are not exactly rare, so it’s not really appropriate to have a Cat around ambulances.
PRamone on
I’m sorry for the cat, but I wonder whether the petition would have received anything like 10,000 signatures if it was a human that was being evicted…
GenuinueStupidity on
After 16 years?! That’s an insane amount of time to suddenly kick the cat out
North_Activity_5980 on
Even the fucking cats are getting evicted, things are bad.
SableSnail on
That seems like it’d be really demoralising for the workers. I hope they can save Defib.
CurtisInCamden on
Health & safety despotism is an increasing problem in our society.
FredH3663 on
After 16 years a change in management dubbed him an infection control and allergy risk, new broom creates hate.
PrestigiousMail5644 on
Standard UK Ambulance service to be honest, an absolute joke.
50YrOldNoviceGymMan on
Sounds like a really despicable action from the local Council… Council members can spread allergies too … if they eat nuts then they can spread the nut allergy wherever they sit , perhaps they should be evicted in order to protect those who suffer from allergies to nuts ?
seecat46 on
After 16 years, I think it can claim squatter rights.
Sure, cat hair allergies are not exactly rare, so it’s not really appropriate to have a Cat around ambulances.
I’m sorry for the cat, but I wonder whether the petition would have received anything like 10,000 signatures if it was a human that was being evicted…
After 16 years?! That’s an insane amount of time to suddenly kick the cat out
Even the fucking cats are getting evicted, things are bad.
That seems like it’d be really demoralising for the workers. I hope they can save Defib.
Health & safety despotism is an increasing problem in our society.
After 16 years a change in management dubbed him an infection control and allergy risk, new broom creates hate.
Standard UK Ambulance service to be honest, an absolute joke.
Sounds like a really despicable action from the local Council… Council members can spread allergies too … if they eat nuts then they can spread the nut allergy wherever they sit , perhaps they should be evicted in order to protect those who suffer from allergies to nuts ?
After 16 years, I think it can claim squatter rights.