Per qualche motivo mi è venuta in mente una canzone che mi piaceva quando vivevo in Polonia nel 2011-2012 e ho davvero bisogno di riascoltarla. Il problema è che me lo ricordo a malapena. Questi sono gli unici suggerimenti che ho:

  • potrebbe essere più vecchio del 2011-2012 ma sicuramente non successivo

  • per qualche motivo ricordo che era leggermente sensuale, almeno nella melodia

  • Penso che fosse un uomo che cantava

  • i miei amici polacchi di allora (ho perso i contatti con loro) hanno condiviso la canzone con me durante una festa in casa, quindi potrebbe essere leggermente popolare

  • Ricordo solo qualcosa che suonava come “sui-on” nel ritornello. Il titolo era breve con quelle parole

  • Ho ascoltato diverse playlist delle migliori canzoni polacche di Spotify e non riesco a trovarle

  • Genere pop ma anche un po’ lento, atmosfera simile a “puoi lasciare il cappello addosso”

Ero ossessionato da quella canzone. Per favore AIUTACI

AGGIORNAMENTO: trovato grazie a questo post!!!! Ecco qui

Very long shot – looking for a “sensual” Polish song I can’t take off my mind
byu/camareradetwinpeaks inpoland

di camareradetwinpeaks


  1. borago_officinalis on

    Long shots here but two possibilities I found in my playlists are:

    Słodycze – golec uOrkiestra
    Short title also in chorus with the start kind of matching your sui, pretty catchy, would not describe as sensual though haha

    Jak anioła głos – Feel
    Title doesn’t match but one of the main lines in the chorus is “usłyszałem ją” which I could believe could be misheard/remembered as your sui-on

  2. Do you remember if the title was one word or more? You mention the song was slow, would you say it was more of a ballad?

  3. CheesebuggaNo1 on

    This is too vague. Theres hundreds of songs that fit this description.

  4. [](
    First thing that came to mind, which wasn’t already listed in the comment, it’s probably not it though.
    I know you probably can’t give much more, but your description is extremely vague.

  5. ArtZen_pl on

    Was the vocalist’s voice higher or lower pitched? Did melody had some characteristic riffs?

  6. Bajlanderiusz on

    I have several propositions

    Natalia Kukulska – Wierność jest nudna

    Budka Suflera – Takie tango

    Blue Cafe – Buena

    Question: When you say it’s similar to You Can Leave Your Hat On do you mean the vibe overall or the style as in there’s trumpets and saxophone or a hoarse voice singer or backing vocals in the background ?

  7. Calm-Resolution8227 on

    Also i’m wondering if the phrase you heard see-on is maybe “z nią” (means “with her).

    I tried searching songs on youtube with that in the title but haven’t found anything promising yet but maybe it will jog someone else’s memory 🙂

  8. camareradetwinpeaks on

    Update: I found it thanks to someone here, I’m so happy! I have added the link to my post

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