da un po’ di tempo faccio domanda per un posto di Ausbildung come pflegefachmann in Germania, ma ricevo solo rifiuti. e ora mi chiedo se c’entra qualcosa con il mio CV.

Apprezzerei se potessi dirmi cosa c’è che non va dato che ho trascorso l’ultimo anno a costruirlo per ottenere una posizione in Germania.
Per tua informazione, vivo fuori dall’UE

EDIT: Innanzitutto, grazie a chiunque abbia dedicato del tempo libero per rispondere alla mia domanda o scrivere un commento (anche se è un po’ ngl). Ne avevo davvero bisogno per migliorare il mio gioco. per il momento ho cambiato il CV in Questo e spero che sia all’altezza degli standard tedeschi

is my Lebenslauf a problem?
byu/AminEz009 ingermany

di AminEz009


  1. Accomplished_Tip3597 on

    lots of typos, “Zertifikaten” for example.

    I’m not sure if your school is really called “Bir Lahmar **Gymnasium**” in tunisia and if you really did Abitur. you should not translate your certificates and school education.

    also the question most employers will ask you when seeing this: what did you do in that gap between 2019 – 2022? that’s 3 years without any record in your CV.

    and i really can’t stress this enough: **lots of typos**. even Photoshop was misspelled.

    oh and you didn’t remove your signature and name so everybody on the internet has that now… you might consider taking that down

  2. Signal-Put-4216 on

    1,5 pages and most of it is irrelevant at best or puts you in a negative light at worst.

    Take your grade from your school. 11,56/20 
    The German system doesn’t work that way, the numbers are meaningless. But the way the German system works you get a 4 if you get half of the available points. You have a bit more than half, so I guess a 4+ or 3-? So not great.

    You list your scores for your language exams. Why? For writing you have less than 50%, so like a 4-. An employer needs to believe that you will be able to manage the school side of the application. You need to keep patient files up to date. You need to document your work. How can you, when your writing skills are at 4-?

    For English you have yet again a different scoring system. X/20, %, then X/9.

    You give your grades but how can anyone figure out what they would mean in the German system?

    You have either typos or grammar mistakes in your headlines

    Your freiwilligen Aktivitäten are completely meaningless. No idea what you did there and for what purposes.

    You list “social media” first for digital competences. Really? 

  3. Educational_Log7288 on

    The problem is probably that you do not live in Germany or the EU. This is an exclusion criterion for many German companies and organizations.

  4. SuspiciousCare596 on

    i noticed two additional issues, i want to mention: 1) you write you have a B2 certificate and then unter Sprachkenntnis: B1

    2) your drivers license is only valid for 6 months. i checked, you will have to make both a theoretical and drivering test… or you wont be allowed to drive in germany past 6 months … just mentioning this, because im not sure, how employers might react, when you suddenly cant drive, after you stated you have a license.

    there is at least once per day a similar post. one person claimed he wrote 300 applications and all got denied.. for exactely your possition. he furthermore claimed, that the average non-eu citizen has to write 600 – i dont know wether he made these numbers up or not, but according to several others, its difficult and you get a lot of rejections. dont give up just yet, the official deadline is in february for ausbildung applications for 2025 and after that you still have a chance to land a “late spot” (some ppl get two job offers, take one.. and then there is suddenly a new open spot .. maybe in may or even later).

  5. So according to your CV, you graduated high school with bad grades and have been doing fuck all for the last five years. Yeah, that looks like a massive problem to me.

  6. MountainMedia8850 on

    Bad grades,spelling mistakes,3 year gap,contradicting informations, absolutly meaningless and unspecified “Freiwilligenaktivitäten”… thats what i call a horrible applicant

  7. mystikal_spirit on

    Add a professional picture. Sadly, Germany still emphasises a lot on pictures. Unless the ad specifically says CV without picture, the default is with picture. No picture can also lead to sorting out of your CV by whatever software they use…

    Also add valid references, at least 2. These references are people who you have previously worked and/or who can vouch for your work. Parents and family who you have not worked with do not count, of course :).

  8. whitewineprincess on

    i’d recommend you to take out your name and signature when you’re posting to reddit.

    general advice: one page. you don’t have work experience, you’re applying for an ausbildung. i’d change “Sprachstudent” to “Sprachschule”. is your graduation from tunesia 100% the same as a german abitur? if not, i’d just list the school, your final grade + add “equivalent to abitur” (if this is the case). were you at a gymnasium in the german sense? is it a german gymnasium? if not, don’t call it that. it means something more in germany than just a type of school. also change positions: most recent/still ongoing to top.

    the plural of zertifikat is “Zertifikate”. i don’t understand what it means when you list the language certificates as ongoing, because i would only put certifications there that are completed. if you’re till working towards completing them, better but them under your “Sprachschule” as a point. i am not sure if you need the percentages for each skill, as it takes up a lot of space. if you do want to include them, do it in a single line. maybe use tabs/tab stops between the different skills. you don’t need the details of your hygieneschulung and first aid course. either it’s accredited/accepted in germany or it’s not. if it is, people will know what it is about, especially if you want to work in nursing. if it’s not accepted in germany, the details aren’t relevant anyways.

    for your volunteering activity: nice, but it’d be nicer to know what this was about. you list “diverse people” and “events”, but … that sounds like a private social thing.

  9. Local_Objective_1676 on

    I dunno if your cv has a problem but its very easy to have a slot for the Ausbildung. It is very possible that you are being rejected because you are not in Germany.

  10. Midnight1899 on

    Are you in Germany already? If so, check with your Agentur für Arbeit or your Jobcenter if they offer Bewerbungstraining. Because this is horrible. 1.5 pages and the employer still knows next to nothing about you.

  11. Ok-Adhesiveness5106 on

    There is a lot that can be improved here:

    Get rid of the Europass logo, the recruiter doesn’t need to know that you are using Europass to make your Resume. There is an option to export the CV without the logo as well.

    Under the Certificates section, omit specific scores for each section. The recruiter should be aware of your proficiency level, as demonstrated by the exam, but they don’t need to see the exact scores in each section. Displaying low scores, such as 45/100 in any section, can create a negative first impression, I would leave it out.

    Remove what you do in your free time as no recruiter is interested in what you do when you have some spare time.

    I see someone discontinuity here, you claimed to have a B2 proficiency under certificates but I see B1 written under language knowledge section. These things leave a very bad impression, it seems as if you are trying to pull out a scam even though you don’t intend to do anything of that sort.

    Don’t forget to include a professional photo and a your contact information af the top, I can’t say for sure this has been done or not as the top portion is masked.

    If you have not studied in Germany then don’t make it look like that you have studied here! No point in translating your high school name.

    Is it possible for you to justify the gap? If anything that you have done in those 5 years then please include. You can’t simply run away with the fact that you have a 5 year gap!

  12. Fragrant-Donut2871 on

    The typos others have commented on. Considering a large portion of the training will be written, I suspect the 45% for writing in the German certificate might be a problem. Do you have the option to improve that skill? If it is closer to 75-80% I would expect your chances to be significantly better.

  13. kautskybaby on

    What have you actually been doing for money since you graduated? Even if it isn’t relevant you need to show you are a motivated working person . Getting an Ausbildung position of your own effort not speaking good German and having no contacts here is unlikely. In your Reddit history I see you asked about marketing ausbildungs as well. It seems now like you just picked care work now because you read its one of the fields that might be more likely to accept a foreign applicant.

    Have you read up on the visa requirements or even the wiki here on Reddit regarding Ausbildung? “In order to get a residence permit to begin your training, you first have to have a job offer from an employer (who would employ you as a trainee), but you’ll only get the residence permit if the employer can show that you’re being hired because no other German, EU citizen, or refugee in Germany was available, qualified, and interested in filling that training slot”

    I see from your history you have asked about agencies. This is a much better way to go if you don’t know what a German cv should look like. Make sure it’s legit so you don’t get scammed, but you clearly need someone who understands the German system and has connections, and can make you look like an attractive candidate/ tell you where you need to improve

  14. Junior_List_7941 on

    1. Unexplained gap of 5 years
    2. Europass?
    3. Freiwillige Hilfe.
    “Zusammenarbeit mit verschiedenen Kollegen”
    “Durchführung von Events” sounds like you were hanging out and partying with friends tbh
    The second one “wirkungsvoll” how? Did you stop climate change?
    4. Nobody understands your grade, at least not much more than “it wasn’t good”
    5. Social media skills? Come on.. the rest of it seems to be a lie, looking at the CV..format is shitty, Photoshop is misspelled..

    You should be able to keep it on one page because you have nothing much to say. Reduce your language skill to the level and attach the certificate. Since most people who apply are pretty young/still in school, the CV isn’t that important anyways.

    What you are writing in your letter would be far more interesting.

  15. ArmadilloRecent3010 on

    It is correct that there is a desperate need for “Pflegefachkraefte” in Germany. However, your CV is not close to meet the criteria for German employers to give you a “ausbildung” and bring you to Germany and give you a Work permit. People exaggerate often when it comes to the ease of working in Germany in this field.They look for people with either more experience ,who have made already an internship and or better language skills. Your CV shows not much in this field. 5 past years you did nothing ? Social media as a competence ? You just publish your full name and signature in Social media. Your CV looks like a desperate cry but not interesting for Head Hunters. Make an internship in Tunisia first.

  16. Adenosine73 on

    About the IELTS English test :

    The way you wrote it is a bit misleading, as the IELTS is a “multi-level test”. Which means you do not just pass or not pass, *it evaluates your level*, from around B1 to C2.
    With your average of 7.5, you do have a C1 level, but with the way you typed it, it sounds like you got a 7.5/9 at a C1 examination test.
    I’d suggest this : “IELTS English test : 7.5/9 (C1)”

  17. shadraig on

    Amazon is hiring people without Lebenslauf. That’s on the radio all day, just google Amazon ohne Lebenslauf

  18. alderhill on

    Do you have a photo on the application you actually send out? Because this is important in Germany, even though according to anti-discrimination legislation you do not *have to* include it. (In other words, regardless of the laws, it’s still expected).

    Like others said… you have a lot of typos/misspellings (making us doubt your stated language skills), some rather ho-hum grades, and descriptions that don’t say much. For language certificates, you must include the year you took any such test. Anything older than 2-3 years is generally invalid. Germans will absolutely 100% expect copies of any certificates (anything you list on your CV must have proof), with translations if necessary and any notary stamps.

    As others have said, gaps in Germans CVs are a problem. You are expected to account for every month (after highschool) of what you’ve been doing. Long gaps of more than a couple months should be explained in some way, even if it’s just ‘job seeking’ or ‘helping take care of family’.

    Also, this might be nitpicky, but I’d fix the spacing and style a bit. It takes too much space considering it doesn’t have too much. It could be shorter if you combine dates and entry titles, and get rid of large empty spaces. You don’t want it too crammed, but this is a bit much.

    Unfortunately, the CV doesn’t really leave a good impression.

  19. liang_zhi_mao on

    – ZERTIFIKATE (NOT Zertifikaten)

    (Doesn‘t look good with a huge grammar mistake in the sub headline)

    Is it necessary to mention your English and German certificate and then later mention your skills again?
    One section where you mention your skills should be enough.

    Why do you capitalize all languages except Französisch?
    You should capitalize them all.

    Social Media: capitalize both

    Why the random „and“ when listing your office skills?
    Should be „und“.

    Why the spaces after the hyphen in E-Commerce or the spaces after brackets or commas? There should be no spaces.

    Do you also use a photo of yourself? People using photos on their Lebenslauf have more success.

    Do you only use the Lebenslauf or also Anschreiben?

  20. hitmewithyourbest on

    Hey op, lot’s of people have already made good points on changes that need to be made to your CV, so I just wanted to tell you good luck with your search! 🍀 we really need more people to help with care! Im sure you’re going to find an Ausbildungsplatz!

  21. MountainMedia8850 on

    Nah…i looked at your edit…at this point you are straight up lying…younare telling us that you have a degree in law and just forget to put it on your cv? Nah Liar

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