Qualcuno conosce questo posto? Mio nonno lavorava in Germania negli anni ’60 o ’70 e ho questa vecchia foto. Sembra che possa essere ovunque e non sia niente di speciale o qualcosa del genere, ma ho comunque pensato che forse qualcuno qui potrebbe sapere dove si trova. Grazie!


di levivodica


  1. looks like a cement factory and judging by the car it is more likely to have been in west-germany.

  2. SuspiciousCare596 on

    this sounds more like a job for geoguessr guys like rainbolt and less for some german guys (and gals). i cant even tell if this is a saw mill or some other industrial building… might even be a train station. i would honestly recommend asking some geoguessr and he will tell you that this tree only exists in the southern part of a certain village or sth.

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