Lo straniero Davi Ira Lang è stato arrestato per aver creato e distribuito video pornografici con bambini in Albania


di OrdinaryPin3362


  1. CommitteeOk3099 on

    Looks like fake news. This guy was arrested somewhere in Russia.

    Anyhow, the boys on the inside know how to make him comfortable.

  2. KopeMaxxer on

    kam paralajmruar qe shqiperia nuk ka sigurim, fmjet hecin vet neper ruge ose lagje…turizmi ka sjellure shume vk se e kuptuan qe nuk eshte vend rezikshme edhe njerzite jan najve me huajte (xenofile qe besojne kollaj tek huajte). Doli ne tiktok nje pedofile angleze ngacmonte fmjet. Mestare shqiptare nuk jan informuar/edukuare mire me kto temat (imagjno nje katunare ose kto qe jetojne ne cep te Tiranes). Mos futemi ne temen turpuri qe kan shqiptaret edhe nuk raportojne me polici kur nodhine te tila

  3. Gedadahear on

    Ky muti a ken arrestu e denu i her ne 2013 ne Rusi per te njejten gja

  4. 9494949499fkdkd on

    That one year visa free thing for Americans doesn’t sound like a good idea at all. It’s not like people from other countries could do the same but there’s a trend. Albania being one of the few places where US citizens can stay for a year attracts tons of bums, drifters weirdos, people with felony convictions and folks with mental issues who can’t go anywhere else. You see that in the Facebook expat groups and on the news. So far this year we had some American bloke pushing drugs in the big park, then someone (a teacher) murdering his wife before beating his dog to death and subsequently committing suicide and now this. Albania’s expat scene is reminiscent of the one in Cambodia in like 2010 or so

  5. M_FinancialDuty on

    kto llumi i lejojn me ardh ne shqiperi. eshte bere si bordello

  6. If he was an Albanian in a foreign country, Albanians would become ultra racist against their own

    “shqiptari, rac e keqe”, “kot nuk mendon bota keq per ne”

    But when it is other way around, at best ” bums, drifters weirdos, people with felony convictions and folks with mental issues”


    Now if he was a brown bangldeshi then we’d talk about him as if he was our own “race e keqe”

  7. Intelligent_Dig_394 on

    Dun me sjell degjenerim dhe nshqipri kto çifutat e karit ja qr

  8. Gjumashhhh on

    Poor Albania 😔so sad these horrible things are happening

  9. ku jane ata pidhropsha qe verdalliseshin ketu pak kohe me pare dhe mbronin te drejtat e kesaj kategorie te felliqur dhe thonin qe kane te drejte per rehabilitim dhe trajtim njerezor. pedofila si ky çifuti ropqir, te denuar me pare, vinin rrotull ne reddit duke pyetur per shqiperine se doni te vinin ketu ngaqe asnje vend nuk I pranonte prej rekordit kriminal. e kishte moterqira ketu qe I mbronin. ptuuuu kockat e te vdekurve jau qifsha ishalla me benzine ti djegin bashke me pedofilat qe mbrojne dhe i uroj ketij pedos qe ta shkelyejne prej bythe e ta kthejne mbapsht si çorap ne burg.

  10. Duhet varur me litar ne publik si mberi Berisha ne 92 ne Fier

  11. Live_Anywhere_1763 on

    If a bum can afford to go to Albania than idk what to say. This is a sporadic instance which us government caught cuz if it was for Albania hed still be doing what this fucking dirtbag was doing

  12. noblegasseur on

    S’ka gjë se tipa si kta presin çunat. Ça është një i përjetshëm tjetër kur i ke 3.

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