Il modo più carino di uccidere…

di CrazyAssBlindKid


  1. Bartlaus on

    USA har vært sammenliknet med 50 u-land i en frakk. Med atomvåpen og hangarskip.

  2. PresidentEvil4 on

    Me when I see someone use the term “developed world”:

  3. sadReksaiMain on

    Yeah i would never want to live in usa. Could probably name between 50-70 countries i would move to before the US


    At least you can get medication for mental health issues, in spite of the expense. Yall have some serious stuff to iron out when it comes to dental, vision, mental health…that said my wife had concussed herself and she was in and out in less than 2 hours with xrays and CT scan, some codeine and her employer has been incredibly supportive, so its much better than the USA, but I read and hear stuff about mental health being neglected overall. “Just go for a hike…” Is not a cureall.

  5. Previous-Giraffe-962 on

    Norway, talk your shit, you guys earned it by being a cool country.

    Germany on the other hand, don’t make us come over there, it didn’t work out well for you the last time we did that.

  6. Cl-l3353 on

    That’s what happens when you let SO many people in. Then you elect bad law makers and let “low IQ individuals” enforce them. Then they make everything too fkn expensive for the common folk who are fighting 10 times harder just to get a simpleton job because there’s too many fkn people here now and then make higher education only attainable to those who have the money for it or are willing to be in debt for the rest of their lives for it because the barrier to entry for the jobs that require those levels of education are getting lower and lower which in turn make our country poorer and our people stupider because we have parents who don’t get to attend their children’s lives much, if at all, simply because they are working their asses off to pay for food on the table clothes on their back and a roof over their heads and children who are abused or neglected, in turn, unmotivated or depressed which leads to crime and drugs or depression and suicide and a cycle of hurt people and lost opportunities continue on for generations to come. (Obviously this is all generalization but…) We need to do better and it starts with the kids. We need to take care of them. Make sure their loved and taught well and properly nutritioned/exercised. Then attend to our people. Our loved ones and our common folk and neighbors. We all bleed the same and it seems like the only time people see that nowadays is when people are bleeding. Help each other out. “Love thy neighbor…”

  7. twotired4life on

    100% a true statement. After being in Norway and seeing what life could be like, it’s painful to be back in the US.

    I wish my career field traveled better.

  8. Sorry_Pomegranate358 on

    Growing up is realising, the US are in fact a third world country.

  9. neocrk21 on

    I unfortunately can not agree with the majority here. The services are very hit and miss. Norway has a great deal unbalanced development. Private care definitely has great quality of service as is the case in most countries. It does not take long to find very questionable cases in Norwegian medical care. Individuals attending 2 hospitals before finally receiving diagnosis of a fractured shoulder. In my recent case, I am very thankful of my smart watch which provided proof of the issue that had me attend hospital in the first place. When presented with the records from my smart watch I was asked what I wanted the doctor to do.
    If you have simple obvious medical need, Norway is good and taking care of those cases. If you’re unlucky, you can be facing a battle without private medical coverage.
    Norway also has a very strong biased against providing simple medications such as sleeping pills. A tree hugging culture encouraging time in nature even in cases where individuals suffer significant allergies which can make time nature more problematic.

  10. ReserveLegitimate738 on

    I believe broken economy and completely failed healthcare system are the only real cons of the USA. Otherwise it deserves it’s famous reputation of a great country. I love capitalism and USA is best of the best in that.

  11. HelenEk7 on

    The thing is, the US is a mix. Its very developed in certain areas, but that does not include an affordable and accessible health care system.

  12. branston2010 on

    Det er helt riktig. Når jeg flyttet til Norge fra dette land, jeg begynte å forklare at “The US is a first-world economy with third-world communities.” Det landet er ikke bedre nå.

  13. Norway has a lot of tourists, good way to make money! Free ski passes!

  14. Late_Argument_470 on

    The idiot who wrote it got slammed for it and tweet was deleted.

  15. The_average_hobo on

    Just visited Norway and I felt way more safe there then I have in the states

  16. Shildriffen on

    Meeeeeeen det er jo ikke feil? Flere gode plasser i statene, men desto fler absolutt shit holes. No eh shit.

  17. As someone who live in the U.S I absolutely agree. I’d love to move to Norway but that’s absolutely impossible for me in this lifetime. I’m poor and have a heart defect that makes working any kind of non remote job absolutely impossible so I’m pretty much damned to die in this dumpster fire of a stolen nation.

  18. ksollien on

    It is the “collective infrastructure” part which references the USA here. So they say don’t stay there and get high medical bills

  19. Sensitive-Muscle-238 on

    I’d rather be in Norway than the US at this point anyways.

  20. Ivehadlettuce on

    It’s population my Norsk dudes….

    The population of Norway is 5 million. All of Scandanavia, say 20….All of their citizens live pretty good lives.

    The top 5 million people in the US live like kings.
    The next 15 million live like princes.
    The next 100 million live as well as Scandanavians.
    Below that it may not be as nice or egalitarian in status, but it’s still far better than any “traditional” third world nation you can name.

  21. Just-Nobody24 on

    According to a comment under that tweet:

    “This was the recommendation from a university to overseas students due to the COVID outbreak in early 2020.”

    So, yeah . . .

  22. tenclowns on

    Fordi det er frekt eller rasistisk eller hva folk måtte påstå å skrive et annet land der. Men det var vel heller et stikk da det ikke er nødvendig å nevne

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