Boicottare Tesla, boicottare Twitter/X. Elon e Trump sono i BURATTINI di Putin e stanno entrambi cercando di svendere l’Ucraina. Ridono di Zelenskyj e scherzano apertamente su di lui durante le manifestazioni e online. Hanno anche le palle per dirlo "L’Ucraina ha iniziato la guerra".
Potete dire tutti no a questi ragazzi non dando loro 1 dollaro, 1 euro, 1 sterlina, 1 grivna! Perdono denaro se le persone smettono di acquistare le loro auto, smettono di usare i social media e le boicottano.
di numbmyself
Twitter was used by Trump to get free advertising, he held a 24 hour megaphone to Twitter and it worked. Elon knew that, it’s why he bought it. He knew journalists were too lazy to move apps. Free social media gold. Like Trump’s sneakers.
I don’t even know what to say to people who are still on Twitter at this point
Yup. All done.
Musk supplied Starlink to Putin. Musk chose immediate profit against longterm profits that he could’ve gained by partnering with Ukraine.
Don’t let Musk profit from Ukraine. Ukraine has nothing to gain in in giving money to Musk.
Change for the better is never easy and those who will try to sell you an easy way to get it will never have your best interest in mind. Many of them will try to take your freedom away under the guise of protecting it instead – and many of you would gladly choose to give it. But in the end, it is our ability to be responsible about our own choices, our ability to decide for ourselves, and our ability to stand up for what is right that makes us who we are. That makes us human. That’s the only way, and it cannot be sold to you by any man, or taught by any book. The choice is simple: Renounce the demagogues and be what you were always meant to be – a human being. And every single human being should say no to neofascism spread by false idols such as Musk and Trump. They had already given up their humanity a long time ago. Be better, rise above.