Ciao, mi sono appena trasferito in un nuovo appartamento a Berlino, lo condivido con mio fratello e la mia stanza non ha la chiave Non avrei problemi con questo, ma sono stanco che lui prenda le mie cose, ecco come appare la serratura e forse alcune di voi avete la stessa chiave e stavo pensando di acquistare una di queste chiavi ma non so dire quale sia forse uno di voi potrebbe aiutarmi grazie buona domenica

di emram1


  1. iTmkoeln on

    There seems to not be a lock in the door at all… it is just the Türbeschlag…

  2. SuspiciousCare596 on

    there is no lock.. you need sth like this [](

    dont buy this!! its just an example. you have to measure the hole in the door exactely to get the right lock. then you put it in two screws … and you can lock your door.

  3. lollipoopz on

    If there is a lock just order all of them and keep the one that fits and send the others back.

  4. UsernameAttemptNo341 on

    There are simple locks for doors inside the apartment with keys like what you expect. And there are the more safe locks like at the apartment door.

    Your door is like the apartment door, but the actual lock, the “Schließzylinder” is missing. You can get it in every hardware store. However, you also need a long screw to mount it (it goes into the metal plate on the edge of the door). The size of the lock is given in two numbers: the distance from the center to the front plate on the inner and outer side of the door.

    It’s really not that complicated, just check some images about “Schließzylinder”.

  5. trick2011 on

    this looks modern enough: just take out the lockassembly and see what type it is.

  6. 015181510 on

    No one here will be able to say for certain. You need to take apart the door and see what’s inside and then we can better say. 

    It sort of looks like there is no lock, but it could also be that you just need a key like the one from Amazon you showed. It’s difficult to say from this angle. 

    Take a look at tue Edge of the door facing the jam. There will be screws, unscrew them and see what comes out. Doors here are very easy to repair/switch out parts.

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