Vassilis Mantzouranis dei “Distretti Occidentali”, il 53enne morto in un incidente stradale a Salonicco
Questa è la spazzatura durante la discesa dal monte Apakeqar (proveniente dal precedente post sulla spazzatura)
La Polonia fa decollare gli aerei da combattimento a causa dell’attacco russo su larga scala all’Ucraina
3 bambini di circa 8 anni su un imbronciato 🙁 di OmegaStealthJam
Terrible_Way1091 on 17/11/2024 14:01 Nice to see kids out getting fresh air and not stuck inside on a playstation
AnGallchobhair on 17/11/2024 14:07 Rules for thee, but not for me. Pervasive from top to bottom, but not for the middle
Ketamorus on 17/11/2024 14:23 I mean not that it changes your point that much but the kids don’t look 8 at all. Likely around 10-12.
pygmaliondreams on 17/11/2024 14:29 We all know what their parents are and how they’re above the laws we obey, even if we can’t name them by their group 😑
Nature is healing
Totally normal, unfortunately.
Nice to see kids out getting fresh air and not stuck inside on a playstation
Rules for thee, but not for me. Pervasive from top to bottom, but not for the middle
Fucking joke, embarrassing & dangerous!!
No rules in the steak and kidney lock opener world.
I mean not that it changes your point that much but the kids don’t look 8 at all. Likely around 10-12.
Culture 😂
We all know what their parents are and how they’re above the laws we obey, even if we can’t name them by their group 😑
Heading up to the N7 for a race.
Howrya boss driving school.
something something culture boss