Ciao, a parte l’ordinazione online da che in realtà non vedo alcuna opzione per ordinare, dove altro posso trovarne uno? Inoltre non sono sicuro se dovrei acquistare 11kw o 22kw, non so se la mia casa supporta 22kw, vivo a Kerava, casa mia.
Secondo la foto sopra sembra che io abbia un supporto di alimentazione da 40 ampere che potrebbe funzionare per 22 kW?
Scusa, sono davvero pessimo in queste cose, quindi ho bisogno di qualcuno che mi illumini un po’. Ho comprato un’auto elettrica e vorrei installare questo box a casa.
Che ne dici delle installazioni? Dove posso trovare queste persone per installare il dispositivo?
di NoPressure1277
I’m not quite sure what you are looking for, but for electronic parts e.g. yeint, partco, radioduo.
For installing something, maybe an electrician.
Call your local electrician.
Like others have said, contact an electrician. Easee chargers are available from Onninen for example, but they only accept buyers with a company ID, so your electrician can buy one for you.
that is just the size of the vikavirtasuojain you should look for the fuses where it says pääsulake it might be in a different fusebox usually the same where your power meter is
Chargers from “Easee” brand, especially the model named “Charge” were banned for safety concerns. So they can’t be sold anymore.
Vikavirta=RCD is a a kind of secondary protection used in combination with a fuse so the rating “40A” doesn’t mean that it is installed behind a fuse that big, it could be but most likely is not, it is just the maximum.
There are a lot of regulations regarding installations so try to get a quote from some electrical works company that also sells chargers.