le autorità sono impotenti e la supervisione ha dato il via libera ai controversi padroni del settore immobiliare
Quindi il mio amico ha appena chiamato questa senape Mannerheimova pomsta che si traduce come Mannerheimin kosto (la vendetta di Mannerheim) e ho pensato che dovesse andare in questo sottotitolo
Breivik sembra stia guadagnando popolarità in Cina, poiché gli scagnozzi del PCC lo stanno promuovendo, perché giorni fa ha mostrato in tribunale un cartello che chiedeva sostegno a Cina, Russia, Iran e Corea del Nord.
Biden consente all’Ucraina di colpire la Russia con i missili ATACMS https://mil.in.ua/en/news/biden-allows-ukraine-to-strike-russia-with-atacms-missiles/ di Mil_in_ua
northernbrass on 17/11/2024 20:18 Thank you USA….your country has never stopped being great…you have Ukraine’s back now…the good world will never forget
mid_philosopher on 17/11/2024 20:19 were all the previous strikes in Russia all drones or had some projectiles involved ?
jozefliska on 17/11/2024 20:29 How many Ukraine has? And how come Ukraine did not use them already. Even without permission
Wow this is awesome news!
Thank you USA….your country has never stopped being great…you have Ukraine’s back now…the good world will never forget
were all the previous strikes in Russia all drones or had some projectiles involved ?
How many Ukraine has? And how come Ukraine did not use them already. Even without permission
Kursk is Ukraine