Perché ogni volta che ricevo una lettera dal governo arriva attraverso 3 canali diversi? Non c’è da stupirsi che le persone si confondano. C’è già così tanto spam in circolazione. Chi inventa sta roba??

di stpiet81


  1. Beef-Lasagna on

    I also got three different notifications on three different portals for this document.

  2. Xinonix1 on

    I wanted to post this last friday, every single time I get an official document,it’s announced 4 times (I get one by Doccle as well), even when I visit the doctor, I get 4 mails to tell me I have a new Ebox document but as said, it can be turned off but I keep it like this because I see it a bit as a filter against phishing mails, they only send 1 so, if there are no more mails, it’s suspicious to me

  3. You forgot to link it with doccle! Now you are missing out on a fourth email and notification to make sure you don’t miss this nonsense.

  4. Neomatrix_45 on

    Fr, they should start making a guide on how to manage these government mails. They’re starting to become more of an annoyance than anything else.

  5. sandsonic on

    eBox message: “You’ve got a MyMinFin message.” Please go to this other website and log in to see this message….

    Belgian efficiency…

  6. Same here. Everytime the government messages me it’s 2-4 emails.

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