L’aumento dell’Iva porta meno entrate del previsto alle casse dello Stato


di YourShowerCompanion


  1. cartmanbrah21 on


    What did they expect? Ok they did get some additional revenue due to the increase, but that is easily offset by many businesses going bankrupt or cutting personal costs, or decreased revenue.

    What would be really interesting to know is if there was a reduction in deficit because of this.

  2. TreeTactician on

    Who would have imagined that increasing tax rates are not the way to go. Lower taxes on all things but sugar and tobacco and alcohol. Low taxes on corporations.

    Liberaalipuolue is really on the right track .Too bad they don’t get enough voters behind them.

    [#LeikattavaaLöytyy – Liberaalipuolue](https://liberaalipuolue.fi/leikattavaaloytyy/)

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