La Germania invierà migliaia di droni “Mini-Taurus” in Ucraina in grado di distruggere i carri armati russi
Germany to send thousands of “Mini-Taurus” drones to Ukraine capable of destroying Russian tanks
di redvictoryrose
La Germania invierà migliaia di droni “Mini-Taurus” in Ucraina in grado di distruggere i carri armati russi
Germany to send thousands of “Mini-Taurus” drones to Ukraine capable of destroying Russian tanks
di redvictoryrose
good news, it’s time the West start harnessing their tech edge to build things that can change the game.
We’ve seen how much Ukraine has been able to build in the last 2 years just in terms of drone tech., how much more if the rest of Europe put in 20% of the effort to support them.
These sound really cool. Long range, can’t be jammed, using AI to target enemy vehicles, … this should translate in a lot of good hits!
Can’t wait for the footage!
Micro Taurus, if anything. They’re more like switchblade or russian lancet. Still, calling it something Taurus is kinda weird
This is a suspicion I had regarding Schultz. He is getting domestic pressure from foreign policy fools and Russian shills so he made his apparently pointless public contact with Putin so that when Olaf escalated arms and other aid to Ukraine his opponents could not rationally oppose it as ‘I tried peace and he said go stuff it’.
Bullshit headline