A partire dal nuovo anno, i sistemi di telecamere per il riconoscimento facciale saranno obbligatori su tutti i mezzi di trasporto pubblico come autobus, metropolitana e taxi.
Gli MSP voteranno per vietare il “double job” e porre fine alla candidatura di Stephen Flynn a sedere in due parlamenti https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/politics/msps-vote-banning-double-jobbing-34128788 di libtin
Salty_Nutbag on 18/11/2024 13:49 Going for a double jobby sounds a bit painful. Try having more fibre.
TWOITC on 18/11/2024 13:53 People have to understand it’s only bad when other parties do it. This is why people have no faith or trust in politicians, they just do what suits them and stuff the hypocrisy.
libtin on 18/11/2024 13:57 Update: [Scottish Labour and the Scottish greens have indicated they’ll support this motion](https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/politics/stephen-flynn-double-jobbing-plan-34132159.amp)
cmfarsight on 18/11/2024 14:11 Why can you have a second job as long as it’s not an MP? Either second jobs are ok or they aren’t. As far as I can tell the only reason would be that it might actually impact some of them.
Mba1956 on 18/11/2024 14:39 Funny how no MPs are talking about stopping MPs taking on consulting roles for the same reason that being an MP is a full time job.
Going for a double jobby sounds a bit painful.
Try having more fibre.
People have to understand it’s only bad when other parties do it.
This is why people have no faith or trust in politicians, they just do what suits them and stuff the hypocrisy.
[Scottish Labour and the Scottish greens have indicated they’ll support this motion](https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/politics/stephen-flynn-double-jobbing-plan-34132159.amp)
Why can you have a second job as long as it’s not an MP? Either second jobs are ok or they aren’t.
As far as I can tell the only reason would be that it might actually impact some of them.
Funny how no MPs are talking about stopping MPs taking on consulting roles for the same reason that being an MP is a full time job.