I genitori in lutto “hanno fallito” quando le tasse di guida sono diminuite


di Aggressive_Plates


  1. ProcedureFar7516 on

    What a beautiful country we live in, honestly I’m so proud and glad we don’t have any underlying anger due to the shit we are served on a plate.

  2. CrispoClumbo on

    >Causing death by driving unlicensed carries a maximum sentence of two years’ custody.

    Sorry what the fuck? 

  3. GarminArseFinder on

    This is absolutely bonkers. How can’t this proceed to trial?

    She mowed down a child & fled the scene, surely mobile tracing can place her in the area at the time, that’s surely a strong enough case to take to trial?

    Absolutely insane.

  4. Far_Thought9747 on

    They have proof of her leaving the scene of an accident, which comes with a sentence, and why is driving unlicensed only a summary offence with a 6 month time limit? That’s absured. It’s unrealistic to get a conviction within 6 months if there’s been a death. Surely, there should be time extensions in cases like this.

    The woman is heartless. How can she initially plead guilty and then plead not guilty for all three charges. She knows she was driving without a licence. She knows she drove away from the scene, and she knows a teenager is dead because of her. What a horrible person, at least take the punishment for your actions.

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