Il Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite si riunisce prima dei 1.000 giorni di guerra della Russia contro l’Ucraina

di UNITED24Media


  1. TurkishLanding on

    The Security Council that has completely failed to do anything about Russia’s fundamental violation of the UN Charter, and upon which Russia sits and has veto power, that “Security” Council?

    These assholes won’t do anything until their own lives are at risk by Putin. We need to stop Putin, now, by force. Ukraine needs our urgent help to defend itself. Donate to Ukraine’s defense now at [](

  2. leadMalamute on

    Sadly the UN has grown into the same worthless garbage that the League of Nations once was.

  3. ApproximatelyExact on

    > The US reiterated that any peace that is not just or sustainable is not a true peace. “A peace that is not just is not peace. A peace that is not sustainable is not peace. And a peace that is not Ukraine-led is not a true peace.” The US called on all UN member states to support Ukraine’s formula for peace, one that fully respects Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and holds Russia accountable for its crimes.

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