La prima tappa è Assens, perché questa città è così bella? tutte queste case che sembrano una favola.
Viaggio con la macchina, quindi posso andare ovunque, ho già percorso tutto lo Jutland, e sono arrivato oggi in Fionia, ho già ricevuto consigli per Odense. (Non andrò a Copenaghen)
dove altro dovrei andare?? o semplicemente fare un giro e fermarsi ovunque?
alcune foto da Essens:
PS: perché non riesco nemmeno a trovare una panetteria? o un posto dove fare colazione? 🙁
di Vir-Ars
Over the bridge, like everyone else.
You should take a drive to Svendborg if you’re into old and fine architecture.
Bogense, Faaborg, Assens, Holstenhus, Skaarupøre Vingaard/aqua vitae
Welcome to Fyn! If your first stop is Assens I would recommend your next stop to be Egeskov Castle. Its a renaissance water castle with beautiful gardens and museums.
Faaborg is also really good to explore. It’s a beautiful coastal town, you could visit the Faaborg Museum, or take a ferry to the South Fyn Archipelago.
Go to Nyborg. The older part of the town, that runs in front of the castle.
Take a walk on the hills behind the castle, there you get a great view of the castle and old part of town.
Besides everything that has been mentioned already, Kerteminde. Especially the old part of town.
North Fyn has its good spots too. You can check out Langesø and the Castle on your way up to Enebærodde and Flyvesandet.
Bogense has a nice vibe also, very off the beaten path for Tourists.
I’d recommend you continue on to Jutland.