Il Consiglio degli Anziani di Yerevan ha accettato il pacchetto di privilegi per gli utenti dei trasporti pubblici. 34 favorevoli, 0 contrari, 23 astenuti Il Consiglio degli Anziani di Yerevan ha accettato il pacchetto di privilegi per gli utenti dei trasporti pubblici. 34 favorevoli, 0 contrari, 23 astenuti

    di Din0zavr


    1. Full_Friendship_8769 on

      Wait, council of what now?

      Since when is that a thing

    2. I honestly think there’s value at looking into making public transport free. First of all the government is always going to subsidize public transport whether it’s free or not. I wonder how much it costs to run and maintain the payment side of things. You need equipment, technicians, accountants, customer service people and so on. If you were to eliminate all of this and say public transportation is totally free but we are going to tack on a yearly fee when you pay your vehicle property tax. The more expensive the car the more you’ll pay. I wonder in the end if that’s just a better system.

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