Che diavolo è questo?

di TransitionMurky1130


  1. DoubleSaltedd on

    Looks like Zeppelin. Over 100 year old thing. Next question?

  2. Volvo_264 on

    It’s a small blimp, a few meters long. It’s used to get certain research data from the air I think.

  3. Signal-Twist-4977 on

    That’s an UFO. They come to Finland to try Salmiakki, don’t bother them 🤨

  4. ElectricalGear2879 on

    Swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket and refracted the light from Venus

  5. snow-eats-your-gf on

    Have you ever heard about Moon Nazis? There is a documentary about that made by Finns. “Iron Sky”

  6. kahaveli on

    You see, Hindenburg wasn’t really destroyed in 1937, it was a cover-up operation. It has been cruising around here all the time just fine

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