Il numero di pazienti sui carrelli nell’UHL si avvicina al record più alto di sempre

di mybighairyarse


  1. Tohrugon on

    My girlfriend has been stuck in there since early Saturday morning. Waiting areas outside the zones are packed and inside the nurses can barely move around with the amount of beds everywhere. It’s absolutely miserable. Impossible to sleep. There was an older man who was put into a cubicle, a doctor walked in, said he’d be back in two minutes, and NEVER came back. The caretaker complained to a nurse after they got asked to leave the cubicle for another patient, very quickly after another doctor came to help the older man. It’s an absolute disaster and joke with how badly run that place is, and yes I understand that they’re doing what they can.

  2. SuzieZsuZsuII on

    This is just ridiculous and been ridiculously ongoing for years!!! Use your vote people!! Get the ones who caused this mess out and give a chance to anyone who says they can at least try help!!! Any of the yahoos in government now literally aren’t even trying!!!

  3. ParaMike46 on

    Jesus how many more years we will be reading EXACTLY the same headlines about our Health System?

  4. austinbitchofanubis on

    Ask Simon. But don’t mentally stab him, he doesn’t like that. Plus there wouldn’t be a bed for a mental stabbing for ages.

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