La Russia ha subito perdite colossali in Ucraina. Il suo esercito è impoverito?

di adventmix


  1. AVonGauss on

    Depleted? Probably not. What you are likely observing though is the upper levels of support for the war amongst the general population which is why Russia has had to get more creative in how they source soldiers.

  2. Nah, but the village yokels and minorities are probably depleted a bit.

  3. Bitter_Kiwi_9352 on

    Love how people talk about Russia alleged ability to ‘replace’ its losses as though that means they’re maintaining a consistent quality level.

    Losing over a thousand men a day is not winning. And backfilling them with Uber drivers, farmhands and tire shop workers doesn’t mean their army’s capabilities aren’t being massively degraded.

    They’re losing a village a day. This war is a complete and total disaster for them. The men and equipment that they’re pissing away today in their murderous hubris were supposed to be the forces they would use for phase 2, to invade the Baltics, Kazakhstan and Poland. But now, those incredibly useless slobs are being mulched just to try and hold on to land within visual range of territory they already controlled since 2014.

    This war will be studied for thousands of years as the last collapse of a 200 year implosion of the Russian empire, from the Crimean War to now.

  4. CluelessExxpat on

    Weird article. It does not give a proper answer to the question in the headline.

  5. Russia are having a net inflow to the army as I understand it. The army is larger now then in the start of the invation.

  6. GlorytoINGSOC on

    basicaly, russian population doesnt realy car because its not conscript for the vast majority, its men intentionlay signing contract, when a conscript die, the state is to blame, when a volonteer died, well it sucks but it was his choise so it doesnt realy affect the population since thoose soldier choose to fight while ukrainian looses afect far more the population since the majority of them are forced conscript

  7. Low_Engineering_3301 on

    Would I depleted army be using slave recruits from a pariah state?

  8. Mundane-Alfalfa-8979 on

    This kind of article has been published since week 2….

  9. Nordalin on

    When there’s a question in the title of an article, the answer is no.

  10. Main-Cause-6103 on

    Time to send the rich kids and warmongers kids to war.

  11. DayzCanibal on

    If youre plugging your losses with uneducated, barely trained north Korean conscripts.. well it doesn’t look good.

  12. Putaineska on

    Make your mind up are Russia depleted or the greatest threat to Europe

  13. vanisher_1 on

    They’re being replenishing with North Korea… Ukraine must replenish with Europe troops… maths speak for itself, you can’t avoid it…

  14. This war has to stop millions of deaths and lost homes Russians or Ukrainians colossal loss is sad. West should push China and Iran also N.Korea and India to stop all help in any kind to RU. Russia should be crushed economically if they do not have resources to continue they will have to stop.

  15. Elegant_Box_9206 on

    Russia has/will never see losses as an issue, that method has been used at least since the napoleonic wars of how much meat can I put in the way.

    Draw the line on the map, and let’s get to rebuilding Ukraine as part of nato before Russia takes more land. It’s a war thats either going to bankrupt us to win or the rest of Ukraine gets taken. I know it sucks, but enough death.

  16. Nightshade_NL on

    Well let’s be real here, if you need help from North Korea, you’re cooked.

  17. Alwaysonabike on

    Its population is however, fucked. In 20 years time, a generation of women will grow up with no practical source of husbands or partners. A generation will die without families.

  18. stupendous76 on

    Not depleted but it has severely repercussions. That is why peace is needed so Russia can rebuild its army with more and better weapons…
    The west (and the world) need to put Russia down and end the shit, death and horrors Russia is exporting around the world.

  19. Inside sources have informed Western leaders that Putin is strongly considering surrendering and ending the war.

  20. If we use the numbers of the quoted scientists/journalists then 80 to ~180k deaths in 3 years is just not that much? At least not for a country like Russia. Sure it hurts to lose good soldiers but at least until now they can fill in the ranks without a draft. It’s more or less overheating their economy but in the end….losing ~250k and having around ~1.5 million dead or injured is not that much of a price for a part of Ukraine. And to make sure that the country is never a “threat” again (at least in the next decades).

    We in Europe may think that the war is stupid since day 1 but Putin/Russia is prepared to pay a price for winning. Something we are not and that’s why all eyes are now on Trump.

  21. follow_that_rabbit on

    This war in russia was spinned like is an existential one, either they win or get destroyed by “the west”. Same thing with Napoleon or Hitler. This way people in russia are buying it so heavy losses are accepted.

  22. No, there’s still more Russians. At least 150 million potential meat grinder recruits as long as Putin keeps shoveling lives into the pit. Not living in a democracy can get pretty wild, not a single Russian citizen gets any say in what happens.

    It makes you wonder why former USSR nations are willing to die rather than return to Moscow rule.

    For a better idea, check the acceptable number of losses the USSR was willing to “suffer” during WW2. Putin wants mothers to have more children so he can send them to war, too. Russians can fight Putin or they can fight Ukraine. But fight they will, because the oligarchy demands it.

    So far, they are happy to choose the Ukraine for spending their sacrifice.

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