Yavuz Ağıralioğlu, che in precedenza aveva detto: “Non guideremo auto costose finché non rimarrà un solo povero a cui verrà data la zakat”, è stato visto con la sua lussuosa Maserati.
AdriaticLostOnceMore on 20/11/2024 01:23 And yet the Israeli Government considers Armenia the safest for Jews in the wider Middle East (except for Israel). Safer than many countries in Western Europe. Source: https://www.gov.il/en/pages/news_public32
No-Cat4072 on 20/11/2024 01:49 How are we eastern europe lmao were literally just Armenia and numbers dont match with reality
Strong doubt
This old tired statistic has been posted 1000s of times.
And yet the Israeli Government considers Armenia the safest for Jews in the wider Middle East (except for Israel). Safer than many countries in Western Europe.
Source: https://www.gov.il/en/pages/news_public32
How are we eastern europe lmao were literally just Armenia and numbers dont match with reality