Incidente durante l’incontro con Radosław Sikorski a Łódź. I manifestanti hanno gridato contro l’occupazione della Palestina
Nuovo test del sangue lanciato nel Regno Unito in grado di rilevare l’Alzheimer con una precisione del 90%. New Blood Test Launched In The UK Can Detect Alzheimer’s With 90% Accuracy di solid_boss55
TurnItOffAndOnAgain- on 20/11/2024 12:37 Wouldn’t wish Alzheimer’s on anyone, awful disease watching your loved ones slowly fades and watch them forgetting even who you are.
Sorry_Software8613 on 20/11/2024 12:55 Great, now I just have to get over my needle phobia. Currently have a grandma ‘living’ in a home with Alzheimer’s. Vow to not live like that if I can help it.
Wouldn’t wish Alzheimer’s on anyone, awful disease watching your loved ones slowly fades and watch them forgetting even who you are.
Great, now I just have to get over my needle phobia.
Currently have a grandma ‘living’ in a home with Alzheimer’s. Vow to not live like that if I can help it.