Whether and how much you will owe the Finanzamt will still be determined, but the pre-calculation came to the conclusion that you will have to pay some extra money to the Finanzamt.
watchtheworlsburn on
Yes, Nachzahlung means that you didnt paid enough during the year.
thhvancouver on
I suggest going to a Steuerberater for a second opinion.
Auno94 on
What is your Steuerklasse and are you self employed or are you working for a company?
“unverbindlich” means non-binding.
Whether and how much you will owe the Finanzamt will still be determined, but the pre-calculation came to the conclusion that you will have to pay some extra money to the Finanzamt.
Yes, Nachzahlung means that you didnt paid enough during the year.
I suggest going to a Steuerberater for a second opinion.
What is your Steuerklasse and are you self employed or are you working for a company?