La campagna anti-OMS di Nigel Farage è collegata all’industria dei prodotti a base di nicotina

di Coolnumber11


  1. Of course it does. Farage is nothing if not consistent in that he won’t say anything unless he stands to profit from it.

  2. Coolnumber11 on

    >In the Action on World Health “manifesto”, released before the UK election, it opposed “excessive regulation” on vaping. It said: “Adults should be treated like adults, instead of the WHO bullying countries into treating its citizens like children through excessive regulations on food, alcohol, fizzy drinks, and vaping products that are 95% less harmful than smoking.”

    >Farage launched the group in May, and his role at the organisation does not appear on the MPs’ register of interests. It is understood Farage has made a late declaration to the register in recent weeks, but it has not yet appeared publicly.

  3. ThouShallConform on

    He is right about the WHO.

    Covid response was clearly led with money making in mind not helping people.

    I say this as someone who volunteered at a Nightingale hospital during the pandemic and saw exactly how much money was being wasted on the so called solution to the problem.

    Tory MPs and their mates lining their pockets and causing mass mental health issues. With the full backing of the WHO.

  4. djpolofish on

    The guys a grifter who says anything for the highest bidder.

  5. smiggy100 on

    They see him rising like trump has just because we hate the others. So now trying destroy his image. It must be sad times being in the establishment.

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