Strumento davvero utile sviluppato dall’Università di Limerick, compili un questionario per condividere le tue opinioni politiche e valuta quanto le tue opinioni corrispondono ai candidati nella tua zona, in modo da poter dare priorità ai tuoi voti. La maggior parte dei candidati alle elezioni ha compilato il questionario, altrimenti probabilmente sono incompetenti o hanno qualcosa da nascondere.
Tool to help choose election candidates
byu/SpongeSquidward inireland
di SpongeSquidward
I knew from their songs that they were political but I didn’t know they would be interested in Irish politics.
Weirdly, I’ve a lot more in common with Aontù than I’d like to think.
I was surprised how Sinn Fein seemed to be taking a more right wing policy than FG/FF according to this.
Give me a tool that shows unfulfilled promises over the last 30 years
There’s always issues with these questions.
Q4. Tax on inheritance should be reduced, even if it means cutting back on public spending or increasing other taxes.
That’s a loaded question. The results to the above question is going to be very different to simply;
Q4. Tax on inheritance should be reduced.