Il governo britannico è accusato di un ‘aumento backdoor’ di 2,7 miliardi di sterline nei tassi di interesse delle imprese

di Acrobatic_Truth_2313


  1. martzgregpaul on

    Except its not. Its the Tories scheme ending in 2025 as it was always going to when the funding ran out

  2. SnooJokes6184 on

    The government is always gonna try recoup some of the money they’re wasting on this stupid immigration policy they seem to have going on. Have you actually read some of the figures its actually costing us for these unknowns to be housed, fed, clothed and provided with a phone. Not to mention the money it costs to send in doctors to examine these people and the money it costs making sure they have beds, fresh bedding table and chair for them all to sit around on all day long. They called the small flair up this summer riots, I feel we aint seen nothing yet

  3. Ready_Maybe on

    >However, the opposition Conservative party accused the Labour government of a “backdoor hike in business rates” ahead of the second reading in parliament on Monday of the “Non-Domestic Rating Bill”, which deals with business rates.

    What slimy hypocrites. They installed temporary measures that are due to expire now. That’s not labour installing a backdoor hike.

  4. Worried_Ad4237 on

    The lab gov are bringing in another Tax in April which isn’t highly publicised, hiking landfill Tax up by 24%. currently at £103 Tonne then from April £126 Tonne. Another cost increase to a lot of businesses which will have to be passed on to the customer.

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