Ciao a tutti, ora è inverno ed è la prima volta che vengo qui, quindi voglio sapere quanto consuma il riscaldamento, poi lo userò in modo ecologico e corretto. Grazie!

di Xx_signal_xX


  1. Actual-Garbage2562 on

    I don’t understand the question. The numbers on the thermostat represent temperatures. 3 is about 20°C for most thermostats. How much it’ll cost you to heat your apartment up to 20°C is impossible to tell, as it depends on many factors. However, your apartment shouldn’t be colder than say 18 or so degrees, as it increases the risk of mold.

    Also you shouldn’t hang any furniture above the heater, as it interferes with the heat circulation and makes it less efficient.

  2. Ingenoir on

    By turning the knob, you set the target temperature. So just set it high enough so you don’t get sick and there is no mold. That’s all you can do. How much it costs, depends on the type of heating in your building. Ask your landlord.

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