L’uomo del Liverpool perde 15 stone dopo aver preso parte a Couch to 5K
di EUProgressivePatriot
The left pic is so weird, it feels like it should be a selfie but its clearly not. Amazing achievement tho…
More than half his weight is incredibly impressive.
“drastically changing his diet” is the key factor here but regardless – good for him. Seriously impressive!
This is some effort. And when you check his videos, he did literally start off with walking small distances! I think we all need to see weight loss as a marathon and not something that needs doing today.
It’s scary to think the photo on the left is a 40 year old man with a teenage kid.
A fairly major spelling error in the article – 28stone is 177kg, not 117!
I once took part in a half marathon and was running alongside a guy with a shirt reading “I was 32 stone when I started running”. Impressive as fuck
I lost 6 stone and I’ve kept it off for 10 years now
Fantastic! What an achievement.Â
I started C25K this summer, I wasn’t overweight but I had zero cardio fitness. I’m now running 5k on my lunch break, 10k at the weekends and next year I’m hoping to do a half marathon. I really recommend it to anyone considering it, it’s actually a lot of fun and set up in a way that makes it really achievable.Â