La Svizzera sospende le esportazioni di munizioni verso la Polonia a causa del loro trasferimento in Ucraina

di Mil_in_ua


  1. New_Poet_338 on

    The lesson is – don’t buy anything from Switzerland that relies on future exports from Switzerland. Parts, ammo, support, anything. They will try to screw with your foreign policies. Heck, best to not buy anything from Switzerland just to be safe.

  2. CrazyFuehrer on

    That’s weird policy, they would suspend exports of ammunition the moment Russian launches attack to close the SuwaÅ‚ki Gap. You can buy our weapons, but you are not allowed to use it.

  3. PuzKarapuz on

    did they stop sale(indirectly) to russia? nestle still pay taxes to russia.

  4. Frosty_Key4233 on

    Neutral Switzerland helping their Russian counterparts against Ukraine!! Again

  5. Odd-Professor-5309 on

    Switzerland launders huge amounts of Russian money.

    They pretend to be neutral.

    Their only loyalty is to money.

  6. jakebullet70 on

    Switzerland, the mafia run bank masquerading as a country.

  7. GiantBlackSquid on

    Fuck off, turtle country.

    You’ll be fucked all the same when you’re surrounded by Ruzzes.

  8. God dammit, if they don’t want to help could they just at least not be getting in the way

  9. -TheDerpinator- on

    Fuck Switzerland. They are not even a country, just the biggest money laundry front in the world.

  10. RedditLovesDisinfo on

    The most morally bankrupt European country.

    I hope no one buys any military equipment from them anymore.

  11. Switzerland, neutrality does not mean interfering in the affairs of other countries on behalf of Russia. Do not export to other countries if you think exported goods risk your neutrality.

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