Avevo un mucchio di cartoni di carta che ho preso dalla nuova cucina. Piegati poi il più possibile, li ho messi insieme in un cartone più grande e li ho portati nel deposito dei rifiuti del nostro appartamento sotto il sole. Il cestino della carta non c’era e il cartone era pesante. Quindi ho messo il cartone in un punto del capannone che non potesse bloccarlo. Guarda l’immagine. Il cartone è davanti al secondo contenitore giallo. Dato che entrambi i contenitori gialli erano vuoti ed era sabato, ho dedotto che non avrebbe bloccato nessuno. Ho inviato la foto all’Hausmeister e gli ho chiesto di farmi sapere se questo fosse un problema e se lo fosse le avrei spostate. Domenica mattina esco e vedo che qualcuno li ha appena trascinati fuori e la pioggia ha inzuppato i giornali. E il modo in cui la scatola era tenuta fuori dal capannone semplicemente bloccava la strada. I bidoni gialli erano ancora vuoti. Hausmeister ha detto che non l’hanno fatto e che mi avrebbero chiamato prima di fare una cosa del genere.
Mia moglie ha detto che sabato sera ha ricevuto una chiamata al citofono e qualcuno stava dicendo qualcosa "ho fatto delle foto", "si lamenterà". Ma il ragazzo era troppo veloce e lei non riusciva a capire chiaramente.
Cosa ho fatto di così orribilmente sbagliato qui? Cosa avrei dovuto fare?
di shahadIshraq
You probably had your first encounter with a “Spießerschwein”, i wouldn’t think too much of it, the Hausmeister is on your side.
Usually the Hausmeister are the ones with the strictest rules and it is ultimately their decision. If they were fine with it – and it sounds from you they were – then don’t worry. For the a’hole neighbor who “took photos” and “will complain” you are in a good position considering that you immediately contacted the Hausmeister after placing the cartons there. So I don’t see anything to worry about.
You were in the wrong, but the passive-aggressive neighbour was even wronger.
What you should have done is wait to take out the paper until the paper bin was there. You may thing that it’s no problem that you left your trash there in an orderly way, but if everyone did the same, your garbage shed would become a sea of trash on the ground. This is a kind of habit that needs to be stopped before it gets out of hand.
The neighbour is definitely indefensible, he intentionally made an even bigger mess for everyone, out of spite and self-righteousness. He could have simply slipped a note under your door asking you to go bring back the boxes in your house until the bin is available again, which would be the acceptable level of peer-policing.
Paper and cardboard belong in the blue garbage bin, not next to it and not whole, but shredded, torn or cut into pieces no larger than 30 by 30 centimeters. If everything doesn’t fit into the bins for paper and cardboard at once, you just have to wait and, if necessary, repeat this process two or three times.
What do you mean by “the paper bin wasn’t there”? Like there is none, or was it gone?
I personally would have taken the box back with me and I would have waited until I can dispose of it properly. However, if you contact the Hausmeister and dump it later that’s an OK solution in my opinion.
He probably thought you dumped it there for good and got annoyed. Frankly if I had seen this I would have also assumed, someone left it there to rot. (Seen this many times in communal waste areas, just some lazy tenants leaving stuff out.)
But on a different note, where is the paper bin, and why didn’t you use it? If there wasn’t one for some reason, I would not leave my waste just sitting there. I’m a bit confused.