McEntee ha messo in guardia sulla mancanza di capacità nelle carceri sovraffollate

di Banania2020


  1. scannerdarkley on

    This is the problem with the Status-quo parties in government. They know their seats are safe, so they have no impetus to bother with the basics of the country’s upkeep.

    With an expanding population you need to invest in: more GPs, hospitals, garda stations, prisons, housing. Instead, we still have the same or less facilities we’ve had for decades, all while the population grows, and therefore demand, increases.

  2. She shouldn’t need to be warned. The entire fucking country knows the prisons are bursting, if this is news to her she’s even worse than we thought.

  3. pixelburp on

    On the other hand, where are they supposed to be built? It’s a necessary evil of social building, but one nobody wants in their area (ala incinerators etc)

    There was _meant_ to be a new prison out here in Thornton Hall on the Meath/Finglas border but the usual NIMBY crowd ensured it got shot down cos of house prices and other worrying. Then it got repurposed as an asylum centre and now we have locals (and malcontents from outside) worry over “single unvetted men”.

    Anywhere else earmarked the same fate. Maybe the new planning laws would help but within about 30 minutes of announcement any prison location would get shut down by locals submitting appeals.

  4. PoppedCork on

    Too busy claiming any justified criticism is based on their gender rather than abject failure at listening to what the public want to feel safer on the streets and homes.

  5. dmullaney on

    And good luck talking to a candidate about prisons or minimum sentencing for violent crimes

  6. Forsaken_Hour6580 on

    Ah sure we can build another one for 3 billion quid and it’ll take ten years to finish.

  7. AffectionateSwan5129 on

    Surely she doesn’t get voted in during this election. We need a stronger character in this position.

  8. slamjam25 on

    > McEntee was advised that “unethical, and in some cases, unlawful behaviour” by employees was being tackled.

    > One briefing said enhanced supervision and appropriate support for staff with “declared issues” had been introduced by prison management.

    Gotta love that civil service efficiency – if you can’t do your job property you won’t be fired, they’ll instead hire a *second* person to look over your shoulder all day. Starting to understand why it costs us €80k to keep someone in prison for a year.

  9. dubguy37 on

    This is the same woman who said the Garda where at all times in control in Dublin city the night of the riots . She is a halfwit and a liar .

  10. Fast_Ingenuity390 on

    There have been 37 Ministers for Justice/Ministers for Home Affairs since the State was founded, and I am afraid it would be a substantial overstatement to claim that she is in the top 36.

  11. dubguy37 on

    That have a site called Thornton Hall out near Ashbourne. They could have built this 10 years ago . But lately they have been putting more MEN IN TENTS on the site.

  12. Dublindope on

    If only we had had enough competence in government to build more..

    As it is we’ve built up decades of legal precedent for extremely low prison sentences which even of we now build them it will be easier for criminals to get off with a tap (not even a slap) on the wrist

  13. ParaMike46 on

    She will do F all about it as always, already focused on different seat. It’s not going to be her problem.

  14. Additional_Olive3318 on

    It would have been perfectly easy to build a new prison in the last 4 years. Or decade. Ignore the anti incarceration brigade (who are pro incarceration when it comes to riots and hate crimes anyway)  and just look at the population increase. Even without these extra laws we should be building more prisons. 

    This country finds it impossible to handle population increases. 

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