1. ThouShallConform on

    I tried to share an article about the Ukrainian war on this sub not long ago. It was front page bbc news. Top article.

    I was told that wasn’t appropriate for this sub and muted when I tried to explain why I disagreed.

    But this is fine right? This is the sort of fact based news we want on this sub.

  2. marxistopportunist on

    If we elected decent MPs the leader wouldn’t matter all that much

  3. MeanCustardCreme on

    It’s so ridiculous I’m not even outraged. The article did give me a laugh though: “**has been signed by over two million morons**”

  4. Disastrous_Fruit1525 on

    Anyone who thought Labour were the answer deserves all they get.

  5. 14 years of bending over backwards of the Tories and morons are already missing taking the length from their blue overlords

  6. polymath_uk on

    You’ve got to be a special kind of idiot to not understand that voters are dissatisfied with the government. I mean really special. 

  7. MediocreWitness726 on

    So because people don’t want Starmer, they’re imbeciles?

  8. RainInMyBr4in on

    I don’t really care who’s in charge, just as long as it’s not Starmer. I can’t stand his nasally droning voice and his inability to answer questions. He may have been a good prosecutor but he’s taking that attitude towards leading the UK and it’s just not working. He’s not really cut out for it and a replacement, labour or anyone else, would be needed.

  9. Old-Aside1538 on

    It is trying to achieve the same thing as newsthump, except more people have taken notice of the petition.

  10. Time007time007 on

    Why are they ‘imbeciles’? What a patronising and stupidly biased headline.

    People are unhappy with the government and just using this as a way to voice that. Obviously people don’t expect it to really spark a general election. It’s just a way to troll Kier Starmer because so far him and his dim witted cabinet have not exactly had a great innings have they?

  11. Dull_Ratio_5383 on

    half of those must be idiotic Americans who follow the formerly known as Twitter, now called “that billionaire’s cult”

  12. Scary_Flamingo_5792 on

    Its barely been 6 months since the General Election…..

  13. disordered-attic-2 on

    No one thinks there will be an election, people are just giving Labour a bit of a kicking, no need to get so upset.

  14. AnakinDislikesSand on

    Ah yes, the left wing arrogance that got Trump reinstalled now likely to get Farage installed as well. Never learn from your mistakes reddit.

  15. InterestingCherry883 on

    How is this petition news? Reform-voting trogs don’t like Starmer and think a petition will get rid of him. It’s almost cute in its naivety.

  16. Skippymabob on

    It’s honestly embarrassing that this story is getting so much attention.

    Over 6 millions people voted for the tories, and millions of others for other parties.

    It isn’t news that some of them aren’t fans of labour

  17. All-Day-stoner on

    Hahaha the article did make me laugh. But seriously, after 14yrs of a Tory government, Labour are no where near this incompetence of that government.

  18. Originol0 on

    Okay, so far if you don’t agree with starmer you’re “a far right terrorist who will be dealt with” and now you’re an “imbecile”

    I didn’t want the tories in, I don’t want THIS Labour in either both a shower of shit.

    At this rate just give me the inanimate carbon rod

  19. Disillusioned_Pleb01 on

    Need another 14 years of deceit and contempt, it’s like a drug, can’t live without it.

  20. appletinicyclone on

    14 years of the shittiest Tory rule possible and they cry about starmer taking over from July

  21. SosigDoge on

    Lots of self righteous indignation on here. Daily reminder that Starmer got less votes than Corbyn.

    Some people have other views and that’s ok. Dismissing them as morons really says quite a lot about you…

  22. Civil_opinion24 on

    “2 million people who didn’t vote for Starmer anyway send in a pointless petition saying they dont like him”

  23. Bartsimho on

    Just like those who signed that petition to reverse Brexit purely through a petition. Stupid the lost of them for this petition and that one

  24. DandyLionsInSiberia on

    The revolving door of conservative leaders over the last 14+ years has created a warped impression amongst elements of the public which wrongly suggest PMs can be replaced on a whim..

    The British political system doesn’t work like that. The chaos and instability the conservatives wrought after the brexit debacle and the musical chairs of leadership changes is the exception, not the rule..

    An effective engaged opposition is there to challenge the sitting government, add nuance needed to temper any proposed legislation in a fashion that in some way captures a sensible broader public feeling or mood which transcends partisan loyalty.

    The conservatives are still behaving like some sort of offshoot of the American Republican party, culture war rubbish moaning about labour rather than getting their figurative brown stuff together and bringing something with substance to the table..

    Corbyn being appointed labour leader, the tone he set and the people he attracted to the party, the lunch away from centre left to the farther fringes is partly to blame for the UK being lumbered with successive conservative governments for such a prolonged period..

  25. GaryDWilliams_ on

    I think that everyone of them should have their social media trawled and if they have ever said “Leave won, get over it” then their petition entry should be discounted.

  26. liplumboy on

    Can we not turn into America, it sucks having to witness it so much in the media, I don’t want it to come directly to my doorstep

  27. TesticleezzNuts on

    Bizzare when all these things happened when the tories where in power everyone was for it. But I guess that what happens when you circle jerk and why Reddit’s also grossly shocked when the “unexpected” happens in politics.

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