Sono consapevole che questo articolo scatenerà molti dei ragazzini immaturi che postano su questo sottotitolo.

In Lussemburgo non sarà previsto il servizio militare obbligatorio. Ma l’Europa deve alzarsi e iniziare a prendersi cura di se stessa, e ciò richiede una riflessione seria e un sacrificio da parte di tutti.

Perché desiderare un mondo pacifico non lo renderà tale, basta guardare un libro di storia.

di sparkibarki2000


  1. Educational_Use_2902 on

    it’s always funny to me that some old dork calls the one’s affected by such a service immature boys. Get your fat ass on a treadmill

  2. moog_master on

    The answer is very simple: No.
    I became luxembourgish at 18 to avoid doing just that.

  3. darknekolux on

    Once again, preparing for the last war…

    War is now vastly different, we won’t run and face the Russians in Germany’s plains.

    Drones, Sabotage, Disinformation are the new weapons.

    So no, i don’t think conscription needs to come back.

  4. Away_Handle9543 on

    Check Greek mandatory military , full of tiktokers and instagrammers, more pics than km per day

  5. sirsonnebrand on

    Kanns dech jo fräiwëlleg um Bierg mellë wannsde wëlls

  6. Any_Strain7020 on

    I wouldn’t mind basic training, PT and the regular stuff. But to be honest, back in the day, after 2-3 months, conscripts were just bored out of their minds and boozing, when not engaged in meaningless ways. There’s only so many thousand times you can sweep/brush something clean.

    Also, considering that you forget 80% of any instruction received and that hasn’t been put into practice for X weeks, BT when you’re young, followed by years of _nothing_ doesn’t make a second line of defense.

    The swiss model is nice(r).

    There’ll be just one social and political issue. Inequality between nationals and residents.

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