I soldati dell’8° reggimento per scopi speciali delle SOF mostrano un’incredibile resistenza. Nonostante i colpi di mortaio provenienti da pochi metri da loro, continuano a evacuare il loro compagno ferito


di Igor0976


  1. SpaceeMoses on

    Just a bunch of battle hardened warriors who already accepted their fate

  2. I have a friend who served in the 8th. These guys are bad MFrs. If I understood him correctly, the selection is based on US Green Beret requirements and they go through a modified version of Q course.

  3. Krega_theproudone on

    They did not even flinch, some mighty brave warriors.

  4. Maximieus on

    Russians would have dropped the wounded and pissed off

    Glory to these Ukranians!

  5. Sweet_Lane on

    They are not badass. They just saw too much shit to care.

    The combination of PTSD, shellshock and enduring the battle for more than three years. (Some of the guys are from the very beginning, from early 2014, that’s almost eleven years at war).

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