7:31; Il sole sta sorgendo su Kiev nel 1008° giorno dell’invasione su vasta scala. Come è cambiata l’Ucraina in 10 anni di guerra. Parte 3.
Oggi è uscito il mio primo singolo rock: l’LP avrà come tema la storia del nostro Paese. Mi piacerebbe conoscere le vostre opinioni, il vostro feedback è molto importante 🙏
DeadToBeginWith on 26/11/2024 23:50 Weird nobody pulled him on the health care workers being called home during covid and not being given a job
ResponsibleTrain1059 on 27/11/2024 00:01 The sight children if Brisbane will soon see waking them up in the middle of the night telling them its time to move to Athlone. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GdWL-jpW4AAvFD-?format=jpg&name=medium
Weird nobody pulled him on the health care workers being called home during covid and not being given a job
Get in, yer houses are readyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!
The sight children if Brisbane will soon see waking them up in the middle of the night telling them its time to move to Athlone.